Tabsquare User Guide
Log In Details | ||
eCMS | ||
Merchant Console | ||
Analytics Dashboard | ||
Store | Username | Password |
[StoreName] | [relayed by Tabsquare] |
Table of Contents
- 1 eCMS - Menu Management
- 2 Merchant Console and Troubleshooting
- 2.1 Viewing Orders
- 2.1.1 Live Orders
- 2.1.2 Marking orders as delivered.
- 2.1.3 Future Orders
- 2.1.4 Missing Orders / Lost Orders
- 2.1.5 Automatic Refund Of Uncaptured Orders
- 2.1.6 Rejected Orders
- 2.2 POS Failure Reasons & Notifications
- 2.2.1 Incorrect Menu Mapping
- 2.2.2 POS Offline / Internet Down
- 2.2.3 Menu Item out of Order
- 2.1 Viewing Orders
- 3 Refunding a customer
- 4 Reconciliation
- 4.1 Disbursement Schedule
- 4.2 Payment Reconciliation Report
- 4.3 Sales Report
- 4.3.1 Additional Reporting from Sales Report
- Page 2 - List of items and price
- Page 3 - Summary of Menu location
- Page 4 - Top 5 Items Sold
- Page 5 Addons Sold
- 4.3.1 Additional Reporting from Sales Report
- 5 Support and Helpdesk
- 6 Analytics Dashboard – Franchisee Level
eCMS - Menu Management | |
How to mark an item as out of stockIn your browser, type and login using the username and password provided. |
Select “Items” Select “Advanced Search” |
Start typing the item name you which to find and select it from the drop down list.
Once selected, click on “Search”.
Depending on whether the item is out of stock or not, click on the “Stock In” or “Stock Out” buttons.
**Stock in = Items are in stock. **Stock Out = Items are out of stock. | |
If the item is marked as “Stock Out” it will display as “SOLD OUT”.
Its important that items are marked out of stock on Table Ordering before POS as this will cause errors if an order is placed. | |
If the item you would like to mark as out of stock is a SKU under a main item, for example you would like to mark a “White Hot Chocolate” out of stock but leave the other Hot Chocolate’s in stock, follow the below steps.
Search for the item you would like to mark out of stock and press the blue “edit” button |
On the window that pops up navigate to the SKU tab
On the SKU that you would like to mark out of stock tick the “Stockout” box.
This will then only mark the “White Chocolate” version of the Hot Chocolate as out of stock. |
Enable and Customize Customer Wait TimesTabsquare has an ability for the store to show a wait time to all customers during busy periods. |
From the ECMS Tabsquare portal expand the sidebar and press “Smartweb Settings” then “Seating Time” |
You can enable the wait times for either Dine In Order at Table or Take Away Click Collect.
Once enabled you can select the expected wait time, along with a duration of that wait time. Once the duration is selected you will see an “Active Until” option. After this “Active Until” time the Wait Time will turn off and customers will not be prompted about any wait times. |
Merchant Console and Troubleshooting | |
Viewing OrdersLive OrdersThe Merchant Console is helpful to keep track of the orders or see if there are any rejected orders. |
In your browser, type ““ and login using the same username and password shared. |
All the successful orders will be displayed in the “Live” Tab. Once a successful. | |
Marking orders as delivered.
To do this click on Delivered in the top right of item. |
Future OrdersFuture Orders will appear in the consoled under Future Orders with a loud repetitive beep and move to Live when approximately 15 minutes prior to being due Future orders are only when a customer orders through Click Collect. |
An example of an order with the time selection is not NOW this will come through as a Future Order and display on KDS as Order Ahead. |
Missing Orders / Lost OrdersAn issue has been identified where in a small instance of cases orders will not be delivered to the store in either rejected or successful state. The cause has been narrowed down to connectivity issues on the customer side. To help highlight these orders a separate process is being run to push these orders to Pending in console. The process runs once every 5 minutes but it may take longer for this to appear. If a customer lets you know a order has been processed you can check this tab. |
If the customer still wants the order you can press the Tick button which will send the order through to the store and confirm the payment. Once confirmed the order will move to the Live tab |
Automatic Refund Of Uncaptured Orders
If an order does not get captured in the store within a certain amount of time, the customer will initially notice their available funds are reduced, but this is an authorization hold. If this order is not captured within 7 days, the hold on the funds will be released.
The customer’s banking app will not show that a refund has been processed, but their available funds will go back to the original amount prior to placing the order from table For more information, please see the below information from Stripe: |
Rejected OrdersIf an Order was rejected by the POS it will be displayed in the “Rejected / Refunded” tab. In Most situations a notification will have been sent to POS of an order failure. The customer also receives and order failed notification on their device. Orders that display here will have been Auto Refunded
POS Failure Reasons & NotificationsIncorrect Menu Mapping
| |
POS Offline / Internet DownIn the event that POS 1 is down which accepts orders or the internet an order will show in the “Rejected / Refunded Section” As the POS1 / Internet Down we are unable to send a notification.
In order to limit customer impact its recommended that in this scenario you turn off Table Ordering until you can contact help desk and confirm the issue is resolved. Click the following link for the instructions on turning off Tabquare ordering #Tabsquare-Off |
Menu Item out of OrderThis error occurs when you have marked an item as out of stock on the POS. When the order errors it will send a notification to the POS with which particular item has been marked out on POS. In this example the item is peach iced tea which has a POS Code of 2610438
| Image from Console under rejected / Refunded
Upon erroring, POS will receive the following message on order devices notifying you what product has been marked out of stock. The customer will also receive a notification that the order failed to make it to the kitchen. |
Proceed to POS and complete the following Go to the Functions tab then MGMT on POS.
Refunding a customer | |
Process flow: Steps below.
| |
If a customer requests a refund, you will be able to do it from the Merchant Console.
Note that in 99% of situations the order will have been auto refunded. |
You would need to obtain the Order ID as highlighted in the image. | |
To process the refund: Click on the three lines to the left of the Tabsquare logo | |
Click on “Refund” under the “Reports” option. |
Click on “Add Refund +” to the left-hand side of the screen. |
Then enter the Order ID and the reason for the refund.
Select the type of refund: ** Full – To refund the Total Bill ** Partial – To refund some items in the Bill |
an OTP will be sent the mobile number as a SMS.
Note: We will configure one Mobile Number for each venue. The OTP number will be sent to that specific Mobile. It is important to let the person know and get the OTP number. |
Enter the OTP number and press Save. Normally stripe will take 4-5 working days to process a refund. | |
Reconciliation | |
Disbursement ScheduleThe following is the schedule for disbursements based on Day of Order between approximately 10:00am and 10:00 am the following day (This is based on UTC Time) global setting by Stripe that is unable to be changed. |
Payment Reconciliation Report |
In your browser, type ““ and login using the username and password provided. |
Click on Payment reconciliation
As this report is new only use data from the disbursement of the 1st onwards. (27th of October) As Stripe operate on Universal Coordinated Time (UTC a Business day is considered as 10am - 10pm approx (Based on a Time zone of +10) Transactions outside this time will be disbursed as per the schedule on the following or previous day. |
Once the date is selected this will then the top section will give you an overview of your total payments the percentages either + or - negative are verses the selected compare period. This can be ignored for reconciliations. |
The bottom section will give you a break down of the order / Payments for your selected date.
Order Date - Date Order was taken Payment Partner - Payment Vendor Amount Settled - Total Gross Order Amount on Order Date Fees - Total Fees calculated by Gross Order Amount on Order Date Transferred Amount - Total $ Amount after fees on successful orders for Order date (Not Relevant) Total Orders - Total number of transactions by Order Date |
The Second tab will give you a break down of Payout Details this can be used to reconcile your bank account. Columns; Payout Date - The date Money should be received in your account. Payout ID, Credited A/C - Specifics related to accounts not relevant in the reconciliation process. Amount Settled (AUD) - Total gross $ Amount of orders that fell on the disbursement date, Fees - Fees (Digital Transaction fee) Amount Transferred(AUD) - Total $ Amount that will show in bank on Payout Date. Total Order - Total Transactions (Clicking on the number will give a break down by date) |
By clicking on the total orders you can expand out to all the transactions on that day |
Exporting to excel
Click on Payment reconciliation
As this report is new only use data from the disbursement of the 1st onwards. (27th of October) As Stripe operate on Universal Coordinated Time (UTC_ a Business day is considered as 10am - 10pm approx (Based on a Time zone of +10) Transactions outside this time will be disbursed as per the schedule on the following or previous day. |
Click on Download followed by your preferred format, we recommend excel for reconciliation's.
Once downloaded save an open.
This excel form will provide all of the transactions with dates with a transaction view. This will also contain all order numbers. |
POS Reconciliation ReportsYou can reconcile sales on POS by using the RVC Report or Property report from the Coffee Club Reports page. |
Oracle Reporting & Analytics ReportsFor reconciliation in R & A the best report to use is located under; Reports → More Reports - Sim Financial Reports → Property Financial |
Under the Tender media Section you will be able to see Total Table Order Orders this can be used to reconcile against the Table Orders successful transactions.
TABLE ORDER = Order at Table ORDER AHEAD = Click Collect Future Orders TS TAKEAWAY = Click Collect “now” Orders |
My Micros (APP) Current Day Tender ViewYou can also use the app on the fly to check your current table orders using the Tenders. 2. Then tap tenders |
This will show the total Tenders for the current business day in gross sales |
For a transaction view you can tap on this tender to expand out each check. You can then drill in and see the content of the check by Tapping to view. |
Sales ReportThe following report gives some additional information around products and categories sold. For reconciliations please use Stripe reconciliation report as above.
2. Select the Date range (Daily, Weekly and Monthy)
The Excel export will give you multiple levels of reporting by Pages (Tabs) at the bottom.
Additional Reporting from Sales ReportFollow steps 1 & 2 from the Sales Report above Page 2 - List of items and price |
Page 3 - Summary of Menu location |
Page 4 - Top 5 Items Sold |
Page 5 Addons Sold |
Support and Helpdesk | |
If there are urgent technical issues or any assistance you need, please reach out to the Service Desk on one of the following methods:
If the Service Desk Team advise you to reach out Tabsquare, please use one of the following methods:
Turning off Table OrderingThis should only be used in the event that there has been a failure of internet or POS 1 is uncontactable and you are getting regular failed orders
Follow the below guide to turn off table ordering / TA and contact Support Desk to trouble shoot your POS / internet. |
Login to eCMs at the store level.
Select Other Setting and tick the order types that you would like to pause followed by save.
Ticked = Store is Closed Unticked = Store is Open |
When the customer logins to order the selected order type that has been paused will display the stores as closed.
Set a reminder for your self once the issue has been resolved you will need to un-pause ordering. |
Analytics Dashboard – Franchisee Level | |
In your browser, type ““ and login using the username and password provided. |
The analytics dashboard will give you insights into customer purchases for the selected date range, located in the top right-hand side of the screen. |
Cross Sells & Upsell: