Spinjet Rinser Operating and Cleaning Procedure

Spinjet Rinser Operating and Cleaning Procedure



Please note: these instructions apply to the Rhino Coffee Gear Spinjet rinser (RHPR600-S, RHPR300-S, RPHR150-S) and to any rinser sink fabricated using Rhino Coffee Gear components.



Spinjet Rinser Parts Diagram


Drip Tray - Leave your jugs upside down after rinsing to dry

Spinjet - Where the water sprays out of

Actuator Star - Press the milk jug upside down on the Actuator Star to activate the Spinjet

Drain - Do not pour excessive amounts of milk down drain


Rinser Valve - Exploded Parts Diagram




  1. Vented Cap Screw

  2. Spin Barrel Cap

  3. Spin Barrel

  4. Spin Barrel Stem

  5. Spray Head Stem

  6. Spray Head Stem O-Ring

  7. Spray Head Stem Spring

  8. Inner Valve Body

  9. Inner Valve Body O-Ring

  10. Outer Valve Body

  11. Actuator Pin Seal

  12. Actuator Pin

  13. Valve Rinser

  14. Valve Rinser O-Ring

  15. Outer Valve Body Bottom Seal

  16. Bottom Seal Washer

  17. Valve Assembly Nut






The Spinjet sink requires daily cleaning and periodic maintenance (every 3-6 months, depending on usage and water quality).

Daily Cleaning Procedure

Required Materials:

  • Adjustable Wrench

  • Cafetto Milk Jug Cleaner

  • Chux Cloth

  1. Using an adjustable wrench, locate the 2 notches at the base of the spinjet

  1. While holding the actuator star in place, unscrew the spinjet from the spray valve. (Be Careful not to rotate or spin the actuator.)

  1. Remove the actuator star by lifting it over the top of the valve

  1. In a food safe container, dilute hot water with Cafetto Milk Jug Cleaner at a 1:20 ratio. Soak the spinjet and actuator star in the solution for 10 minutes

  1. While soaking the spinjet and actuator star, carefully remove the drip tray from the sink basin. Clean the drip tray and rinser basin using the dilute Milk Jug Cleaner solution and a soft cloth.

  2. If the milk has dried on to the drip tray, it may be soaked in the same solution or cleaned in the dishwasher

  3. Once the parts are clean and soaked, pour the chemical solution slowly into the sink and allow to drain. This will clean the drain assembly and waste hose. Rinse with water.

  1. After 10 minutes, remove the spinjet tip and actuator star from cleaning solution and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

If required, the actuator star can be dishwashed. Note: that we do not recommend dishwashing the spinjet tip due to the small size, it may be lost

  1. Replace the actuator star over the valve body

  1. Replace the spinjet by attaching to the spray valve

  1. Tighten with adjustable wrench and replace the drain tray


Preventative Maintenance

The Spinjet Rinser contains consumable parts which will wear out during use and require replacement to keep the rinser in working order. For replacement part kit (RHSPVSK-01), order from Rhino Coffee Gear

Changing the O-Rings

  1. Start off by isolating/turning off your water supply

  1. By unscrewing the bottom nut, you can remove the inner valve body. Once the inner valve body. Once the inner valve body has been removed it will expose the activation piston. *Seals may be clear or black

  1. Use a flathead screwdriver to unscrew the activation piston from the inner valve body

  1. Discard the old seals and replace with new

  1. Insert the activation piston into the inner valve body, ensure that the spring is still sitting in the inner sleeve

  1. Locate the spray head stem. Using a flathead screwdriver, tighten the activation until secure







  1. Locate the inner body valve back onto the main spray mechanism and tighten

  1. Replace actuator plate and spray cap/tip. Reconnect fitting and waterline.







The rinser is leaking. When not in use, a small amount of water trickles from the rinser head, or around the actuator

The gaskets/seals are worn or damaged. Replace the gaskets, seals and springs

The actuator is hard to depress

Replace the gaskets, seals and spring

The actuator does not bounce back up when pressure is removed (EG if you remove the milk pitcher but water continues to spray upwards)

Replace the gaskets, seals and spring

Water pressure from the rinser is too low/too high

Ideal operating pressure for the rinser is 350kPa. A pressure limiting valve (PLV) may be required in some installations to ensure ideal operating pressure

The rinser head (including the actuator plate) is loose, wobbling or detaches from the sink

The rinser head attached to the sink via a pin (part #14, RHMECHPIN) which screws in from beneath the sink body. If this pin becomes loose or is removed, the actuator head will no longer be securely attached.

To prevent this issue, NEVER SPIN or ROTATE the actuator disc during use, as this can unthread the pin connection

Drain is backed up/clogged

Ensure daily cleaning procedure is being followed. Unclog drain by pouring Cafetto Milk Jug Cleaner and hot water solution down drain to assist in unclogging

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