Voice of Customer Program

Voice of Customer Program




TCC.VOC.RATE IT.06092023

Monitoring, Actioning and Responding to your Guest Feedback

In today’s ever-changing retail environment, not only are our consumers’ purchasing habits and tastes changing, but so is the way they provide feedback on their experiences. Technology has resulted in the ability for guests to exponentially tell the world about their positive or negative experience while still sitting in the location they are writing about! Consumers have more variety and choice than ever before when it comes to selecting their dining choices.

Our consumers’ expectations of quality, service and overall experience have increased, and as such they are becoming savvier in how they make their decisions on where to dine. This is a guide to help everyone understand the workflow process and service level times to resolve feedback received.

$40 Customer Resolution Fee

At The Coffee Club we take our guests’ feedback very seriously and use this to improve our menu, training, and operational procedures. All feedback should be listened to and resolved appropriately with the guest. A negative customer experience can turn into a positive outcome and loyal customer if managed the right way. It is your responsibility as the business owner to implement the same ambitious standards in your store when managing and resolving guest feedback. If you or your designated CX Leader do not address and close your feedback out within the required 48-hour timeframe, we will resolve it on your behalf. As a result, a $40 fee may apply to cover the administration costs incurred to resolve and close out your store feedback.

Before you get started

Before you get started, we highly recommend reading and watching the Rate It training documents listed below that are in the Workplace and Clubhouse.

How is guest feedback provided?

We receive guest feedback through four main sources:

  1. The Coffee Club Website

  2. Loyalty/POS Survey

  3. In-store QR Survey

  4. Kiosk (Tablet) Survey

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Overview


Net Promoter Score is an industry recognised rating system that determines how likely a customer is to recommend your store to others.


The overall NPS is an average of these scores, this is the equivalent of the percentage of Promoters (9 or 10) minus the percentage of Detractors (0-6). Outside of this, guests who provide a score of 7 or 8 are referred to as Passives and do not enter the overall percentage calculation. The aim being to get a score of 9 or 10 to rate highly on the NPS scoring system.


Just as important as your NPS, we want you to understand what your customers are saying! These insights are what will be used to act and make changes within your store. There is a direct correlation between promoters spending more on average and returning more frequently, so we want to take care of them, and continue to move our passive customers to promoters for our brand!

                        Aim for 10 survey per day & a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 65% or higher.

Steps in responding to your guest feedback


Step 1. Guests provide feedback through the RateIt platform. All guest feedback containing the store name/location will automatically be logged to that store by the platform and an email to the VOC Team and your FBC.

Step2. Voice of Customer (VoC) team reviews negative ratings every day (except weekends).

Step 3. VoC team will review appropriately. If the ticket is of concern/risk, it will be ‘flagged’ as a priority and the ‘Red Alert’ process will be implemented.

Step 4. All actions taken by the Franchisee, Customer Experience (CX) Leader in store or FBC in replying to the ticket, should be written in the ‘Case Management’ field. You can add tasks/notes to the case also. To the right of the feedback, you will see the reply button. Please choose a template or write your response to your guest then click ‘reply’.

Step 5. Once the guest has been contacted and the matter has been resolved, the action taken should be recorded in case notes and update your FBC or VOC team of the action taken.


If the VoC team are required to action the feedback, the store will be issued an Invoice Request Form for a payment of the $40 ‘Customer Resolution Fee’. This fee is being issued to cover the administration costs incurred to resolve and close out your store feedback.

Hints & tips for managing and addressing guest feedback

Each store should have a “CX Leader.” This role should not only ensure the highest level of customer service, but also manage and resolve guest feedback received directly in store and via any social or online platforms.

The key guest feedback platform is the Rate It platform. Your CX Leader should be fully competent in the operation of Rate It. This person should be responsible for monitoring, managing, contacting guests, and reporting back to you and your team on the feedback provided and coaching for improvement.

Once you have nominated a “Customer Experience (CX) Leader for your store


  1. Have the Rate It webpage set up on yours and your CX Leader mobile devices and/or store computer for easy access.

  2. Set a time each day to review and address the feedback you have received.

  3. Implement your daily reports where all positive and constructive feedback can be recorded and discussed during your team meetings.

How to respond to guest feedback


The Ratings tab is where you'll go to reply to customers who have left an email address. Simply turn on the ‘With comments only’ toggle on the left and narrow down the result. There are a few different ways you can reply to your customers:


To send a response:

  1. Click the blue Reply button to the right of the message you'd like to respond to.

  2. Click the Create New Response button to write a personalised response (recommended).

  3. OR choose a template from the list to the left

  4. Click the blue Reply button to send your message.

RateIt Reporting

Daily Report

You will receive an email each morning with a summary of how your locations tracked for the previous day. This includes a breakdown of how many ratings were received, key comments as well as a summary of offline devices.

 Weekly Report

You will receive an email each Monday morning with a summary of how your store tracked for the previous week. This includes your weekly NPS + CX scores, leaderboard for your location as well as an overview of the key comments received for the week.

Email Notifications

Here, you can adjust your email notifications on what you would like to receive. You will be able to set up alerts if your device becomes disconnected, your weekly and daily reports, as well as customer comments and ratings. You have the ability to be notified on every email receiving with a comment, so you are able to celebrate your wins, and identify any opportunity feedback.


Need extra help?

RateIt has a support team available, if you would like to reach them you can by emailing support@rateitapp.com


C.A.S.T - Customer Service Recovery


C- Consider

Consider what the guest has to say, listen and show you care for the customers’ needs


A – Acknowledge the Problem/Situation

Acknowledge the guest’s problem or situation, by taking the time to listen to what they have to say and paraphrasing back to them to show you listened and you understand.


S– Solution

Address the issue immediately and find a solution that will benefit the guest and store.


T – Thank the Guest

Thank the guest over the phone for providing their feedback with an interest in welcoming them back for a better experience in future. Thanking the guest for taking the time to discuss with you and giving you the opportunity to address their feedback for more areas of opportunities

Customer Experience - Feedback Reply Templates

Positive Feedback

Thank you for sending through your feedback.

We are pleased to hear that you are satisfied with our standard of [food, coffee, or service] at The Coffee Club (store location). Your feedback has been passed on to the team for further praise and recognition. We are incredibly pleased you will be back, and we hope to continue to offer consistently high food, coffee, and customer service standards.

Thank you again for your feedback, we hope you have a lovely day.

Food Complaint

We are saddened to hear that the quality of the meals you were served was less than enjoyable in our store.

We encourage our team to provide our brands standard service recovery with our guests’ needs if they are not satisfied with the meals or beverages presented and prepared, the team accommodate the best they can to assure we are exceeding our expectations. Our teams have

implemented training in place in the instance where guests may not be satisfied, we will reiterate this with the team.

May we query if this was bought to the team’s attention for us to rectify in store?

It is understandable you were disappointed on this recent visit, and we will work closely with the team to ensure they are providing Good Food, Great Service and Excellent Coffee as per our brand standards.

If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to reach out to our reply email.

Kindest regards,

Service Complaint

Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback about your recent visit to our store.

We are saddened to hear that your recent visit to our store was less than enjoyable. We assure you your feedback will be passed on to our team in an interest in improving their level of customer service in line with Coffee Club brand standards. Our team are working hard to ensure they are presenting Service with Heart that we as a brand, stand by.

Further training and coaching will be provided to our team to ensure the service provided to our customers is in line with The Coffee Club Great Service standards.

Thank you again for contacting us,

 Beverage Complaint/ Made Incorrectly

Thank you for contacting The Coffee Club.

We are saddened to hear that the quality of beverages you were served was less than enjoyable in one of our stores.

We encourage our team to provide our brands standard service recovery with our guests’ needs if they are not satisfied with the meals or beverages presented and prepared, the team accommodate the best they can to assure we are exceeding our expectations. Our teams have implemented training in place in the instance where guests may not be satisfied, we will reiterate this with the team.

We will work closely with our team to ensure they are providing Good Food, Great Service and Excellent Coffee as per our brand standards.

Kindest regards.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q – “I have forgotten my password, how can I reset it?”

A – This is an easy fix. Simply use the forgotten password button on the log in page.


Q – “Do I need to make contact with the guest?”

A – Yes - Our guests are our business and all feedback they provide should be reviewed and used to improve your business and the service you provide for them. Unless otherwise requested by the guest we ask every Franchisee (or CX Leader) to contact every guest who provides feedback.


Q - “How long do I have to contact guests?”

A – The longer a guest waits for your reply the greater their frustration becomes and their perception and connection with the brand decreases. We have set a service level timeframe of 48 hours from the time it was lodged for all feedback to be addressed, resolved and closed out. This will ensure your guests feel valued and return to your store in the future.


Q – “What should I do if the guest hasn’t left any contact details?”

A – In this instance we recommend reviewing the feedback and implementing any training or steps to address the feedback in-store. Write in the case comments field what actions were taken to resolve the matter and then close the ticket out.


Q - “How long do I have to contact guests?”

A – The longer a guest waits for your reply the greater their frustration becomes and their perception and connection with the brand decreases. We have set a service level timeframe of 48 hours from the time it was lodged for all feedback to be addressed, resolved and closed out. This will ensure your guests feel valued and return to your store in the future.


Q – “When I write comments in the Case Management does this get sent to the guest?”

A - No, this field is only for you to enter information on how and when you contacted the guest or actions taken in the store. This information is not sent to the guest; it is for internal records only.


Q – “What do I do if I feel the feedback provided is not directed at my store or team?”

A – If you feel the feedback is not a service, product or quality matter that needs to be addressed by yourself or team we suggest discussing the matter with the VoC Team. If the VoC team agrees with you, they can request the feedback to be invalidated.


Q – “Why has the ‘Customer Resolution Fee’ been introduced?”

A – Responding back to a guest on the feedback (positive & negative) they provide is a fantastic way to build a lasting positive relationship with them, your business, and the brand. Alternatively, the longer a guest waits for a response to their feedback.

(negative) the more negative their view towards your business and The Coffee Club             brand increases. To ensure we continue to build and grow positive relationships with        our guests we have implemented a 48-hour feedback timeframe.

All negative feedback not resolved by a Franchisee or their designated CX Leader within the required 48-hour timeframe will result in a $40 fee being issued. This fee covers the administration costs incurred to resolve and close out your stores feedback.

Contact Information

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the Voice of Customer Team on the Franchise Care Line 1300 383 129 or submit a Jira Ticket at http://support.minordkl.com.au